- A place when can find a professional Photographer,Cinematographer, an Editor.
- Photography, especially wedding photography, is a labour of love. Not only do you have to love what you do, you have to have a passion for people. This isn't something a wedding photographer can learn. You either have it, or you don't.
- At DoliBarat we've built our lives, and our business, around wedding photography, and our many accolades go to show our love, passion, and commitment to our work and our clients. After our detailed, initial consultation, we stay involved and engaged. We check in with you from time to time to see how your plans are coming along, and make whatever adjustments necessary on our end to accommodate your needs. We look for opportunities to assist you - whether it's pertinent to your wedding photography or not. We have solid relationships with all sorts of people in the wedding industry, and are happy to call on them in a moment's notice for you.